Written by: PINK - Monster Blog 13
Posted: October 28, 2012

When I was about 8 years old, we lived in a split level house out in the country that my Dad help build and we moved in when i was 5 years old.

Upstairs, my parents bedroom was down the hall from my bedroom. In between, about half way down the hallway was the thermostadt for the central air system. Now, this was a new house, so of course there was a lot of creaking at night that occurred as the night temperatures cooled off. I would always hear the house creaking at night.

Like most kids my age, I was afraid of what lurked in my closet and under my bed. I use to sleep in the very middle of my bed, because i thought if a monster tried to reach up and grab me from under my bed, he wouldn't be able to reach me if i stayed in the middle. Silly I know, but I was only 8 years old!

I use to stare at the closet door to make sure nothing was going to come out and I always had a plan if I saw something come out of that closet. My big plan was to jump out of bed and run to my parents room down the hall. Then, i would sleep with the covers over my head because I thought the monster couldn't see me. Ahhh, that young boy logic!!!

At the thermostadt on the wall in the hallway, there was a light switch right next to the thermostadt that turned on the hallway light fixture. On occassion, one of my parents would get up out of bed, flick the light switch on and adjust the thermostadt and then click the light switch off. I had heard this many times over the years and I had the timing down. Usually, I would hear the lights switch click on and then i would lean my head up and look out into the hallway. My bedroom door was always open at night and while i couldn't see who was at the thermostadt from my vantage point, i could always see their shadow on the wall. Then after about 5 to 10 seconds, the light switch would click off and i could hear my parents walk down the hallway back to their room.

This one particular night, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, but i was still wide awake. It was a quiet night and all was quiet in the house. Suddenly, I hear the light switch click on and the light from the hallway shown into my room. Of couse, I thought one of my parents was adjusting the thermostadt again. I lifted my head up and looked out into the hallway looking for the shadow that I would always see. I saw nothing. I kept looking real hard but yet saw nothing. No shadow. Then I waited a few seconds waiting for the light switch to click off. It didn't happen. The light stayed on. After about 20 to 30 seconds, I looked back down the hallway and still did not see a shadow.

At this point, I was getting scared. Something didn't feel right. This was not normal. I was scared to say anything, so i just kept laying there waiting to hear something. The light stayed on and still no shadow and no sound. After about a minute, the light switch finally clicked off and now I waited to hear the walking noise as one of my parents walked back to their room. I heard nothing. Just dead silence.

Now I got even more scared. Something isn't right and now it's dark. I can't see anything and it is too quiet. There was no way I was just going to stay in bed. I got up enough nerve to jump out of bed and run to my parents room. I had to pass the thermostadt to get to my parents room. This scared me to death and I just waited for something to grab me as i ran by the thermostadt.

I ran into my parents room and both of them were sound asleep. My Dad was snoring as usual and Mom was in a dead sleep. I had to really shake them to wake them up. If they had just walked back into their room, they wouldn't be that sound asleep. I knew then that neither of my parents had just been up walking around. I knew that's why I didn't see their shadow.

I woke both of them up and started frantically telling them what happened. They were both groggy and really not hearing my story. I begged them to let me sleep with them that night. They agreed and i climbed into the warm bed between my Mom and Dad. I felt safe finally.

I never figured out what happened that night. I asked my parents about it the next day and both of them said that they had not gotten up to adjust the thermostadt the night before. I was an only child, so there were no brothers or sisters that could have done it. I was just completely shocked and bewildered about what had happened. I know I saw what i saw and heard what i heard, so it was just an unresolved experience that to this day, i have never figured out what happened.

I slept with the light on in my room for years after that night.

If you have a good scary story that you would like to share with us, write it up and email to - If it's good, I will post it right here on Monster Blog 13!

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