Written by: Gail, Decatur, AL.
Posted: November 28, 2012
When I was about 14, my friends and I spent every Friday night at the skating rink. Because we got to stay out until midnight, we felt so grown-up (even though our parents dropped us off and picked us up).
You can imagine how excited I was when one of my oldest friends turned 16 and we now could take ourselves. Nothing really changed; we were good kids and always came straight home, but it felt different. More adult.
We lived in Madison, a small town outside of Huntsville. At that time, there was nothing between Huntsville and Madison except cotton fields and forest, and the main road between them was a curvy narrow two-lane.
One night, probably the fifth or sixth time that my friend Cindy got to drive us, we took the usual ride home. I remember that we were unusually quiet, just making small talk and looking out the window. We came up around the halfway point between the two towns - just trees on either side of the road. No streetlights. There were no houses for at least a mile or two in either direction. We hadn't even seen another car for at least 10 minutes. All of the sudden, the headlights illuminated a figure standing on the side of the road. It was a young woman, long hair down her back, dressed in a white dress of some sort. I immediately thought it was a nightgown, given the time of night. As we passed by, I looked at her, but she never even looked toward the car. She made no attempt to flag us down. She was just standing there, about 4 feet away from the road, looking into the distance.
After we passed her, Cindy and I looked at each other in confusion, and Cindy even slowed down as we discussed whether we should go back to see if she needed help. It was then that we both realized where we were - how far away from anything, and how strange it was that a woman would be out there in the middle of nowhere in her nightgown. We both got really, really scared. Both explanations we came up with were frightening - she was insane, or she was a ghost. Cindy wanted to stop while we decided what to do. I think I may have yelled at her not to stop. I know that I was on the verge of crying.
She drove me home, and I ran extra fast into the house. My Mom was waiting up for me, and she could tell immediately that something was wrong. As I told her the story, I did start crying. She was taken aback, because even as a teenager, I was never wildly emotional. She kind of tried to brush it aside, saying we must have imagined it - no one would be out there in the middle of the night. I kept telling her that we did see it, and I insisted she call the police so that they could go and see if she needed help. My Mom didn't want to, but I was so distraught, she finally did just to appease me and calm me down.
The next morning, I felt much calmer, and almost convinced myself that it was my imagination. But when I talked to Cindy later that day, we agreed that we did see it. We never talked much about it after that - I think we both wanted to just move on. A kid at school told me that the area we saw her was near where a woman and her 2 kids died in a car accident several years earlier. I don't know if that was just a story or not. I do know that I saw something that night that I still can't explain.
If you have a good scary story that you would like to share with us, write it up and email to MonsterBlog13@charter.net - If it's good, I will post it right here on Monster Blog 13!
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