Written by: PINK - Monster Blog 13
Posted: October 17, 2012
Posted: October 17, 2012
Every Halloween somebody will ask me what the scariest thing that has happened to me is and I thought since its Halloween time, I would share this story. Just pretend we are all sitting around a campfire telling our scary stories!
This is a story that I haven't told many people in my life. Only a select few friends and I didn't even tell this story at all for many years. I still get chill bumps thinking about it but I was probably in my mid 30's before i even shared this story with people.
This story is actually two different incidents but I think they were related so it's all one story to me. I have always had weird stuff happen to me all through my life, especially when i was younger. I was an only child and after studying the subject, I believe maybe that's why I experienced more weird things than maybe most who had brothers and sisters (more distractions) ... who knows, maybe i'm just weird!
Let me say, these are TRUE stories. Believe me, I have tried to explain these incidents in every way imaginable, but there just is no explanation. I am not making up these stories and I am not embellishing them at all. This is exactly the way it happened. Even today, i still think about these things as a reminder to myself that we can be very fragile.
This happened when I was in 6th grade. We had just moved from one suburb to another a few months earlier during the summer. I was a huge KISS fan at the time. I mean I idolized them. I had every record, all 4 of my walls and part of the ceiling was covered in KISS posters and I even had a KISS trash can in my room. During the summer when we moved, KISS was suppose to come to Birmingham and I bought tickets. This would have been my first concert. I was excited to say the least. I thought about it everyday.
My typical routine at that time was i would wake up early in the morning (way before my parents) and I would usually put a KISS record on and listen to the first side and when it got close to the end, I would go into the kitchen and drink an Instant Breakfast drink and then go back into my room and listen to KISS records until my parents woke up. Shortly before this incident happened I learned that KISS had cancelled their concert in Birmingham. I was devastated. I actually cried about it. I wanted to see them so bad in concert. That's how bad i idolized them.
This happened on a saturday morning and I was listening to side one of KISS Alive II. I listened to it until it got to about half way through the last song on side one and I went into the kitchen and did my typical routine. I was usually gone for maybe 5 to 10 minutes usually. This one morning I got through drinking my instant breakfast and walked back to my room. I had two twin beds that were separated by a night table. My bed was the furtherest bed away from my bedroom door. I walked into my room and walked all the way to my bed, when I abruptly stopped dead in my tracks. I stood still and the hair on my neck began to stand up as i realized that there shouldn't be a song playing on my record player. A KISS song was playing but I hadn't turned the record over. I slowly looked over at the record player and it was playing the first song on side two. I knew the song all too well and I had this record memorized so I knew instantly that something wasn't right. At that moment, I heard a noise in my closet and I literally leaped over both of my twin beds and shot out of the room. I could have won the long jump that morning. I don't think I have ever jumped that far in my life.
I ran into my parents bedroom and hysterically woke up my mom. I was telling her what happened but she was still half asleep and really wasn't hearing me, so i went down into the den and sat on the couch waiting for them to wake up. They finally did and I told my mom what happened. She believed me but what can she say?
I picked up the phone and called my best friend Mark. I told him he had to come over to my house right now. He could tell i was freaking out about something and kept asking what was wrong and i just kept telling him to get on his bike and get over here. Mark lived just a couple of minutes from my house so he was there pretty quick.
I told him that I needed his help to get rid of all my KISS stuff. I mean everything. We proceeded to tear down every poster and put them in my KISS trash can and break every record of KISS I had, except one. Mark said that his brother Cyril had wanted the KISS record "Rock N' Roll Over" and asked if he could take it home and i told him that he could but to please don't leave it at my house. Mark always had a habit of forgetting to take things home from my house. He assured me he wouldn't. I took everything to the trash including the KISS trash can. i didn't want to even see anything with KISS on it.
Of course, I told Mark what had happened and he was shocked and he could tell I was serious and that i wasn't making it up. I was freaking out! Yes, my best bud Mark left the damn KISS record at my house when he went back home. I didn't notice it until he had already left, so i thought I would just hide it somewhere where i couldn't see it. I put it on the top shelf in my closet behind a box so i couldn't see it.
About a week later, Mark was a big track star and he had gone down to Auburn for a track meet. During the time he was gone, my family went on our family summer vacation to Ft. Walton Beach that we went to every summer.
When I got back home from our vacation, I called Mark to see how his track meet went and he asked me where I had been. I said that we just got back from the beach. He didn't believe me and said that I was home a day or two before. I said no, i was in Florida and had been down there for a week. He said no, you were home and wouldn't answer the door. I said "What are you talking about?" Mark said that a day or two before he had come by my house to see me. Mark had forgotten that we went on our vacation because he was down in Auburn when we left. At my house, you could actually look into my bedroom window from the front porch if you leaned over the edge of the porch. Mark said he rang the doorbell and no one answered. He knew I was home because he heard music playing from my bedroom, so he rang the doorbell several times because he said the music was turned up full blast and he thought I couldn't hear the doorbell. When that didn't work, he leaned over the porch edge and looked into my room and saw the turntable spinning a record but saw no one in the room. He said the music was so loud that he could hear it before he even walked up onto the porch.
As you can imagine, I was getting goosebumps when he told me this because he still thought i was kidding him about us being out of town on vacation when he told me this story. I said, "Mark, you can ask my mom but we just got back from Florida". Then it hit him that i wasn't kidding and I could see this strange look on his face. I then asked him what music was playing. He looked at me with this kind of weird look and said it was that KISS "Rock N' Roll Over" record. Now, i thought he was kidding me but he wasn't. Mark had this strange look of fear on his face like he had unknowingly walked into something that he wasn't suppose to see. When he told me this, I had this rush of fear run through my body. I still thought maybe he was kidding me. I asked him if he was sure. He said, "yes, I know that album - I thought maybe you had gotten over that incident and was back to listening to them". I said no, and that i was mad at him for leaving it at my house, so i put it up in the closet where i couldn't see it.
Mark and i went into my bedroom and the record was still sitting up in my closet. I told Mark, "man, don't kid with me about this" and he swore that he wasn't kidding. As a matter of fact, he looked confused when we saw the record was still in the closet. For years, even into high school, i use to occassionally ask Mark if he had made that up and he whole heartidly told me "No" every time. One thing about Mark was that he and I were best friends. He was like my brother and he had never lied to me about anything. I didn't believe that he was lying to me even at the time because i saw the look on his face. It was a look of confusion and fear. Certainly years later he would have admitted to me if he had made it up. Mark was a skeptic about these things anyway, so it wasn't really something that he would have thought up. I never heard Mark ever talk about ghosts or anything of that nature and I think that is why he had those strange looks on his face at the time, because he didn't know what to think.
Now, let me say that I don't blame KISS. It could have been anything. I believe I idolized them too much and maybe i let something in that i didn't want. The story continues.
About a year after this incident, another incident happened but i think it was related.
My parents (Mom and step dad) used to go out to dinner a good bit. I would usually stay at home alone when they went out to dinner. Some times they would meet with friends and not get back home til 10:00 or 11:00pm. For a time, my step brother Pelham was living with us, but when this incident happened, he was no longer living at my house. He was 16 and i was 14 at this time. Even though he wasn't living with us at this time, he still had a key to our house from when he did live with us.
Let me first set this up so you can visualize it. If you walked into the front door of my house, immediately to your left was the coat closet. If you were to cut a hole in the back wall of that coat closet, you would hit my bed as it was up against that wall. You would actually be about where I lay my head down on my bed. Then as you went down the hallway from the front door, you would take a left around a corner and then another immediate left around a corner and you would be at my bedroom front door.
One night, my mom and step dad had gone out to dinner. I think it was a school night because i knew I was suppose to be in bed around 10:00pm. My mom and step dad had not come home yet and it was 10:00pm, so i went to bed. I had not been in bed for more than 5 minutes when I heard a light banging noise. I couldn't determine where it was coming from. It was a steady beating noise and it kept getting louder. A steady pound....pound....pound and so on. I was just laying there in my bed listening to this and trying to determine where it was coming from. As it got louder, I was able to tell that it was coming from the wall right next to my head (like it was coming from the coat closet on the other side of the wall). About as soon as i was able to determine it was coming from that wall, it suddenly started pounding so hard that i could see the wall vibrate with each pound. It got so loud, it was the equivalent of you hitting a wall about as hard as you could with your fist. It would literally vibrate the wall. I had my head turned towards the wall and could see the wall bow out and vibrate. It scared me so bad that i jumped out of bed and suddenly it stopped dead. I stood in the middle of my room and didn't know what to do.
My first thought was that someone was in the house. All the doors in the house were locked so I thought maybe someone broke in. I grabbed my 12 gauge shotgun and loaded it. I opened my bedroom door and walked to the first corner. From that corner, i could see part of the den and the kitchen. I didn't see or hear anything. I had to go and look around the next corner to see the front door and the coat closet. I started to do it but i chickened out and instead went back to my room and locked the door. I sat in the middle of my room with my shotgun pointed to the bedroom door. If anybody came through my door, they would get a mouthfull of shotgun pellets. I never heard anything else. I sat there and tried to figure out what that banging noise was. There was nothing that would have created that repetitive light to hard banging noise. I mean, this noise went on for about 30 seconds. Nothing falls for 30 seconds. There were no water pipes in that wall. It just didn't make sense. Why would someone break into my house and bang on the coat closet wall? It just didn't make any sense. I even thought maybe my step brother Pelham was trying to scare me. He did have a key to our house but that really wasn't like him.
About 10 minutes after this happened, my parents came home from dinner. I ran out and started telling my mom what happened. She kept making excuses like it was probably golf clubs in the closet falling or coat hangers etc... Well, first of all, those things don't fall for 30 seconds and certainly don't vibrate and bow out the wall. Right after I told my mom about this, I wanted so badly to go look in the closet but the phone rang. I picked up the phone and it was my step brother. He had been on a date that night and had just had a car accident taking his date home. I knew then that it wasn't my step brother trying to scare me. We had to go the accident and when we came back, I looked in that closet. There was nothing there but knit hats and coats. No golf clubs, not anything that was really even hard. It was all soft stuff.
After this incident, over time, I started noticing that I would wake up sometimes in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It would usually be around 3:00 in the morning - usually between 2:00am and 3:00am. This went on for months. After a while, I knew that something wasn't right because i could feel a presence in the room when i would wake up. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was like that 6th sense we have when we walk into a room and think we are alone but you get that feeling like someone is there and then you see someone that you didn't know was there. I would always focus on this one corner of my room and would swear that there was something in that corner. It was a dark corner that even the moonlight would not hit and I knew that something was there but i couldn't see it.
This situation got worse as time went on. I was scared to say anything to anybody about it because I thought they would think i was crazy. i didn't even tell my mom. Not only could i feel a presence, but the air in the room was extremely stuffy and heavy. I would wake up and feel like I was suffocating some nights.
This one particular morning, i woke up at around 3:00am as normal and my head had been turned while I was asleep looking to my right. When i woke up, I just opened my eyes and I felt a presence staring at me like it was only inches from the left side of my face. I mean it felt like hatred. Like someone was staring a hole right through me and i felt like if i lifted my head to the left that i would hit whatever it was. It was that close to my face. The only way i know to describe this is like, imagine how it feels when someone walks right up to you and stares at you only inches from your face. You can feel them. You can feel their presence, their breathing etc.. It was like that but much worse. It put a mortal fear in me. I was scared motionless. I could not move. I finally mentally had to draw up enough courage to leap out of my bed in one motion and leave the room. I did just that. Like in one adrenalized motion, I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room and into our guest bedroom. I slept there the rest of the night and felt fine. The air was lighter and clear and I felt safe.
The next day, my mom asked me if i slept in the guest bedroom and I said yes. She asked me why and I just made up some story. i could not tell her, she would think I'm nuts.
This nightly waking up kept going on and every once in a while, I would sleep in the guest bedroom because when i would wake up, I felt like i was suffocating or the presence would be stronger and i would get out of the room. One night I woke up and was staring at that corner in my room because I felt the presence and this dark corner was next to one of the windows in my room. This window looked out at my nieghbors house. There were some bushes right outside the window that were about as tall as half the window height. The light from my neighbors flood lights would light behind the bushes so i could see the bushes with that light background. As i stared at this corner one night, I saw something move in the bushes on the outside. When i say move, I mean it was like someone had parted the tops of the bushes. Almost like someone had parted the tops of the bushes so they could look into my room, but no one was there. If a person had been there, I would have easily seen them with a light behind them. This wasn't the wind either. I had seen those bushes sway in the wind many times and this was something physically parting the tops of the bushes. It was weird and was just another strange thing that happened around this time.
This presence felt like it was getting stronger every night and I knew that I had let something in my life that i did not want. I can't explain to you what Mortal fear feels like. It's indescribeable. It's when your soul fears something. It is a deep deep beyond your control fear that really scares you to your very core. I had reached that point where i felt like this thing was going to do something to me at just anytime and I felt this mortal fear. I didn't know what to do about it. I had gotten to the point where i decided that I had to tell my mom and see if she could get our priest over there to do something. Bless the house or whatever they do. I was out of ideas and options. I was going to have to tell my mom.
One night i sat there in my bed thinking about that before I fell asleep. I thought, "well, let me try one thing before I go tell my mom." I decided to pray to God. I thought why not try it and see what happens. So, that night I prayed and basically apologized to God for letting this thing in even though i didn't intentionally let it in but i must have done something to let it in. We're not suppose to worship false idols, so maybe idolizing KISS started opening a door that just kept opening, who knows. I begged God to help me and get rid of this thing. I promised that i would never idolize anything like that again and just basically begged God for his help.
I prayed every night for about a week. After about the 3rd night of praying, it dawned on me that I had slept all the way through the night the night before. It also dawned on me that the air felt lighter and didn't have that heaviness to it. It felt more like the air in the guest bedroom. The next night I set my alarm clock for 3:00am, because i wanted to make sure i woke up like I use to so i could see if i felt that presence there again. I woke up and looked at that corner of the room and I didn't feel anything. It felt like a normal room again.
That was the first time in my life that I knew that there was a God. You're taught about God and Satan in church but this was the first time in my life that it was proven to me. I have never doubted since that time that God exists. I hope I never experience that feeling of mortal fear ever again because it is the worst feeling that i have ever had. A feeling of loss, despair, loss of control, like your soul can be taken at any moment. It's not yours anymore. As I said before, it's an undescibeable feeling.
I don't, to this day, know exactly what all of that was about or what i did to create that mess but I actually to this day have never told my mom that whole story because i never had to. God bailed me out and I am ever thankful that he was there for me. It made me a believer for life. I wish people that don't believe in God could have shared my experience, because i think they would believe. I am not a real reigious guy but I am a very spiritual person. I am proud to be a christian and I have asked God to enter my life, because i don't want to know what the consequences are for not letting God in my life. I already got a taste of that and it's not where i want to go!
As I said before, i am not making this up. This is a true story and it feels good to get off my chest. I would love to hear anyone else's stories. Please add to the story telling campfire!!!
This is a story that I haven't told many people in my life. Only a select few friends and I didn't even tell this story at all for many years. I still get chill bumps thinking about it but I was probably in my mid 30's before i even shared this story with people.
This story is actually two different incidents but I think they were related so it's all one story to me. I have always had weird stuff happen to me all through my life, especially when i was younger. I was an only child and after studying the subject, I believe maybe that's why I experienced more weird things than maybe most who had brothers and sisters (more distractions) ... who knows, maybe i'm just weird!
Let me say, these are TRUE stories. Believe me, I have tried to explain these incidents in every way imaginable, but there just is no explanation. I am not making up these stories and I am not embellishing them at all. This is exactly the way it happened. Even today, i still think about these things as a reminder to myself that we can be very fragile.
This happened when I was in 6th grade. We had just moved from one suburb to another a few months earlier during the summer. I was a huge KISS fan at the time. I mean I idolized them. I had every record, all 4 of my walls and part of the ceiling was covered in KISS posters and I even had a KISS trash can in my room. During the summer when we moved, KISS was suppose to come to Birmingham and I bought tickets. This would have been my first concert. I was excited to say the least. I thought about it everyday.
My typical routine at that time was i would wake up early in the morning (way before my parents) and I would usually put a KISS record on and listen to the first side and when it got close to the end, I would go into the kitchen and drink an Instant Breakfast drink and then go back into my room and listen to KISS records until my parents woke up. Shortly before this incident happened I learned that KISS had cancelled their concert in Birmingham. I was devastated. I actually cried about it. I wanted to see them so bad in concert. That's how bad i idolized them.
This happened on a saturday morning and I was listening to side one of KISS Alive II. I listened to it until it got to about half way through the last song on side one and I went into the kitchen and did my typical routine. I was usually gone for maybe 5 to 10 minutes usually. This one morning I got through drinking my instant breakfast and walked back to my room. I had two twin beds that were separated by a night table. My bed was the furtherest bed away from my bedroom door. I walked into my room and walked all the way to my bed, when I abruptly stopped dead in my tracks. I stood still and the hair on my neck began to stand up as i realized that there shouldn't be a song playing on my record player. A KISS song was playing but I hadn't turned the record over. I slowly looked over at the record player and it was playing the first song on side two. I knew the song all too well and I had this record memorized so I knew instantly that something wasn't right. At that moment, I heard a noise in my closet and I literally leaped over both of my twin beds and shot out of the room. I could have won the long jump that morning. I don't think I have ever jumped that far in my life.
I ran into my parents bedroom and hysterically woke up my mom. I was telling her what happened but she was still half asleep and really wasn't hearing me, so i went down into the den and sat on the couch waiting for them to wake up. They finally did and I told my mom what happened. She believed me but what can she say?
I picked up the phone and called my best friend Mark. I told him he had to come over to my house right now. He could tell i was freaking out about something and kept asking what was wrong and i just kept telling him to get on his bike and get over here. Mark lived just a couple of minutes from my house so he was there pretty quick.
I told him that I needed his help to get rid of all my KISS stuff. I mean everything. We proceeded to tear down every poster and put them in my KISS trash can and break every record of KISS I had, except one. Mark said that his brother Cyril had wanted the KISS record "Rock N' Roll Over" and asked if he could take it home and i told him that he could but to please don't leave it at my house. Mark always had a habit of forgetting to take things home from my house. He assured me he wouldn't. I took everything to the trash including the KISS trash can. i didn't want to even see anything with KISS on it.
Of course, I told Mark what had happened and he was shocked and he could tell I was serious and that i wasn't making it up. I was freaking out! Yes, my best bud Mark left the damn KISS record at my house when he went back home. I didn't notice it until he had already left, so i thought I would just hide it somewhere where i couldn't see it. I put it on the top shelf in my closet behind a box so i couldn't see it.
About a week later, Mark was a big track star and he had gone down to Auburn for a track meet. During the time he was gone, my family went on our family summer vacation to Ft. Walton Beach that we went to every summer.
When I got back home from our vacation, I called Mark to see how his track meet went and he asked me where I had been. I said that we just got back from the beach. He didn't believe me and said that I was home a day or two before. I said no, i was in Florida and had been down there for a week. He said no, you were home and wouldn't answer the door. I said "What are you talking about?" Mark said that a day or two before he had come by my house to see me. Mark had forgotten that we went on our vacation because he was down in Auburn when we left. At my house, you could actually look into my bedroom window from the front porch if you leaned over the edge of the porch. Mark said he rang the doorbell and no one answered. He knew I was home because he heard music playing from my bedroom, so he rang the doorbell several times because he said the music was turned up full blast and he thought I couldn't hear the doorbell. When that didn't work, he leaned over the porch edge and looked into my room and saw the turntable spinning a record but saw no one in the room. He said the music was so loud that he could hear it before he even walked up onto the porch.
As you can imagine, I was getting goosebumps when he told me this because he still thought i was kidding him about us being out of town on vacation when he told me this story. I said, "Mark, you can ask my mom but we just got back from Florida". Then it hit him that i wasn't kidding and I could see this strange look on his face. I then asked him what music was playing. He looked at me with this kind of weird look and said it was that KISS "Rock N' Roll Over" record. Now, i thought he was kidding me but he wasn't. Mark had this strange look of fear on his face like he had unknowingly walked into something that he wasn't suppose to see. When he told me this, I had this rush of fear run through my body. I still thought maybe he was kidding me. I asked him if he was sure. He said, "yes, I know that album - I thought maybe you had gotten over that incident and was back to listening to them". I said no, and that i was mad at him for leaving it at my house, so i put it up in the closet where i couldn't see it.
Mark and i went into my bedroom and the record was still sitting up in my closet. I told Mark, "man, don't kid with me about this" and he swore that he wasn't kidding. As a matter of fact, he looked confused when we saw the record was still in the closet. For years, even into high school, i use to occassionally ask Mark if he had made that up and he whole heartidly told me "No" every time. One thing about Mark was that he and I were best friends. He was like my brother and he had never lied to me about anything. I didn't believe that he was lying to me even at the time because i saw the look on his face. It was a look of confusion and fear. Certainly years later he would have admitted to me if he had made it up. Mark was a skeptic about these things anyway, so it wasn't really something that he would have thought up. I never heard Mark ever talk about ghosts or anything of that nature and I think that is why he had those strange looks on his face at the time, because he didn't know what to think.
Now, let me say that I don't blame KISS. It could have been anything. I believe I idolized them too much and maybe i let something in that i didn't want. The story continues.
About a year after this incident, another incident happened but i think it was related.
My parents (Mom and step dad) used to go out to dinner a good bit. I would usually stay at home alone when they went out to dinner. Some times they would meet with friends and not get back home til 10:00 or 11:00pm. For a time, my step brother Pelham was living with us, but when this incident happened, he was no longer living at my house. He was 16 and i was 14 at this time. Even though he wasn't living with us at this time, he still had a key to our house from when he did live with us.
Let me first set this up so you can visualize it. If you walked into the front door of my house, immediately to your left was the coat closet. If you were to cut a hole in the back wall of that coat closet, you would hit my bed as it was up against that wall. You would actually be about where I lay my head down on my bed. Then as you went down the hallway from the front door, you would take a left around a corner and then another immediate left around a corner and you would be at my bedroom front door.
One night, my mom and step dad had gone out to dinner. I think it was a school night because i knew I was suppose to be in bed around 10:00pm. My mom and step dad had not come home yet and it was 10:00pm, so i went to bed. I had not been in bed for more than 5 minutes when I heard a light banging noise. I couldn't determine where it was coming from. It was a steady beating noise and it kept getting louder. A steady pound....pound....pound and so on. I was just laying there in my bed listening to this and trying to determine where it was coming from. As it got louder, I was able to tell that it was coming from the wall right next to my head (like it was coming from the coat closet on the other side of the wall). About as soon as i was able to determine it was coming from that wall, it suddenly started pounding so hard that i could see the wall vibrate with each pound. It got so loud, it was the equivalent of you hitting a wall about as hard as you could with your fist. It would literally vibrate the wall. I had my head turned towards the wall and could see the wall bow out and vibrate. It scared me so bad that i jumped out of bed and suddenly it stopped dead. I stood in the middle of my room and didn't know what to do.
My first thought was that someone was in the house. All the doors in the house were locked so I thought maybe someone broke in. I grabbed my 12 gauge shotgun and loaded it. I opened my bedroom door and walked to the first corner. From that corner, i could see part of the den and the kitchen. I didn't see or hear anything. I had to go and look around the next corner to see the front door and the coat closet. I started to do it but i chickened out and instead went back to my room and locked the door. I sat in the middle of my room with my shotgun pointed to the bedroom door. If anybody came through my door, they would get a mouthfull of shotgun pellets. I never heard anything else. I sat there and tried to figure out what that banging noise was. There was nothing that would have created that repetitive light to hard banging noise. I mean, this noise went on for about 30 seconds. Nothing falls for 30 seconds. There were no water pipes in that wall. It just didn't make sense. Why would someone break into my house and bang on the coat closet wall? It just didn't make any sense. I even thought maybe my step brother Pelham was trying to scare me. He did have a key to our house but that really wasn't like him.
About 10 minutes after this happened, my parents came home from dinner. I ran out and started telling my mom what happened. She kept making excuses like it was probably golf clubs in the closet falling or coat hangers etc... Well, first of all, those things don't fall for 30 seconds and certainly don't vibrate and bow out the wall. Right after I told my mom about this, I wanted so badly to go look in the closet but the phone rang. I picked up the phone and it was my step brother. He had been on a date that night and had just had a car accident taking his date home. I knew then that it wasn't my step brother trying to scare me. We had to go the accident and when we came back, I looked in that closet. There was nothing there but knit hats and coats. No golf clubs, not anything that was really even hard. It was all soft stuff.
After this incident, over time, I started noticing that I would wake up sometimes in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It would usually be around 3:00 in the morning - usually between 2:00am and 3:00am. This went on for months. After a while, I knew that something wasn't right because i could feel a presence in the room when i would wake up. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was like that 6th sense we have when we walk into a room and think we are alone but you get that feeling like someone is there and then you see someone that you didn't know was there. I would always focus on this one corner of my room and would swear that there was something in that corner. It was a dark corner that even the moonlight would not hit and I knew that something was there but i couldn't see it.
This situation got worse as time went on. I was scared to say anything to anybody about it because I thought they would think i was crazy. i didn't even tell my mom. Not only could i feel a presence, but the air in the room was extremely stuffy and heavy. I would wake up and feel like I was suffocating some nights.
This one particular morning, i woke up at around 3:00am as normal and my head had been turned while I was asleep looking to my right. When i woke up, I just opened my eyes and I felt a presence staring at me like it was only inches from the left side of my face. I mean it felt like hatred. Like someone was staring a hole right through me and i felt like if i lifted my head to the left that i would hit whatever it was. It was that close to my face. The only way i know to describe this is like, imagine how it feels when someone walks right up to you and stares at you only inches from your face. You can feel them. You can feel their presence, their breathing etc.. It was like that but much worse. It put a mortal fear in me. I was scared motionless. I could not move. I finally mentally had to draw up enough courage to leap out of my bed in one motion and leave the room. I did just that. Like in one adrenalized motion, I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room and into our guest bedroom. I slept there the rest of the night and felt fine. The air was lighter and clear and I felt safe.
The next day, my mom asked me if i slept in the guest bedroom and I said yes. She asked me why and I just made up some story. i could not tell her, she would think I'm nuts.
This nightly waking up kept going on and every once in a while, I would sleep in the guest bedroom because when i would wake up, I felt like i was suffocating or the presence would be stronger and i would get out of the room. One night I woke up and was staring at that corner in my room because I felt the presence and this dark corner was next to one of the windows in my room. This window looked out at my nieghbors house. There were some bushes right outside the window that were about as tall as half the window height. The light from my neighbors flood lights would light behind the bushes so i could see the bushes with that light background. As i stared at this corner one night, I saw something move in the bushes on the outside. When i say move, I mean it was like someone had parted the tops of the bushes. Almost like someone had parted the tops of the bushes so they could look into my room, but no one was there. If a person had been there, I would have easily seen them with a light behind them. This wasn't the wind either. I had seen those bushes sway in the wind many times and this was something physically parting the tops of the bushes. It was weird and was just another strange thing that happened around this time.
This presence felt like it was getting stronger every night and I knew that I had let something in my life that i did not want. I can't explain to you what Mortal fear feels like. It's indescribeable. It's when your soul fears something. It is a deep deep beyond your control fear that really scares you to your very core. I had reached that point where i felt like this thing was going to do something to me at just anytime and I felt this mortal fear. I didn't know what to do about it. I had gotten to the point where i decided that I had to tell my mom and see if she could get our priest over there to do something. Bless the house or whatever they do. I was out of ideas and options. I was going to have to tell my mom.
One night i sat there in my bed thinking about that before I fell asleep. I thought, "well, let me try one thing before I go tell my mom." I decided to pray to God. I thought why not try it and see what happens. So, that night I prayed and basically apologized to God for letting this thing in even though i didn't intentionally let it in but i must have done something to let it in. We're not suppose to worship false idols, so maybe idolizing KISS started opening a door that just kept opening, who knows. I begged God to help me and get rid of this thing. I promised that i would never idolize anything like that again and just basically begged God for his help.
I prayed every night for about a week. After about the 3rd night of praying, it dawned on me that I had slept all the way through the night the night before. It also dawned on me that the air felt lighter and didn't have that heaviness to it. It felt more like the air in the guest bedroom. The next night I set my alarm clock for 3:00am, because i wanted to make sure i woke up like I use to so i could see if i felt that presence there again. I woke up and looked at that corner of the room and I didn't feel anything. It felt like a normal room again.
That was the first time in my life that I knew that there was a God. You're taught about God and Satan in church but this was the first time in my life that it was proven to me. I have never doubted since that time that God exists. I hope I never experience that feeling of mortal fear ever again because it is the worst feeling that i have ever had. A feeling of loss, despair, loss of control, like your soul can be taken at any moment. It's not yours anymore. As I said before, it's an undescibeable feeling.
I don't, to this day, know exactly what all of that was about or what i did to create that mess but I actually to this day have never told my mom that whole story because i never had to. God bailed me out and I am ever thankful that he was there for me. It made me a believer for life. I wish people that don't believe in God could have shared my experience, because i think they would believe. I am not a real reigious guy but I am a very spiritual person. I am proud to be a christian and I have asked God to enter my life, because i don't want to know what the consequences are for not letting God in my life. I already got a taste of that and it's not where i want to go!
As I said before, i am not making this up. This is a true story and it feels good to get off my chest. I would love to hear anyone else's stories. Please add to the story telling campfire!!!
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